245 Main St, Kingfield, ME 04947
About High Peaks Artisan Guild
We are a group of local artists with ties to the High Peaks Area of Maine!
The guild operates on a membership bases, sharing duties, costs, chores, and some of the artist live year round and work at the gallery.
Stop in and see who's is working our working members are notated with "WM"! Some of our artist members are independent artists and do not work but help in other ways.
Support local artists. Work is constantly rotating to keep the gallery fresh.
Meet our Artisans in person.
Interested in learning more?
Jo Eaton - Crochets Hats, and more
Cythina-Lin Knowles - Drawings, Embroidery Tote Bags, and more
Greg Thomas - Paper Cutouts and Photography
Betsy Bass - Photography (WM)
Karen Jordan Paul - Art by Kiki(WM)
Bob Gray - Handcrafted Leather Items and Block Prints
Catherine H. - Handmade Pottery
Ray & Karen C. - Wood Frames and other hand made items
Susan Taylor Paintings in Oils (WM)
Peggy Bracket - Paintings and Jewelry
Nita Casey - Plein air paintings
John Reed - Beaded Jewelry and More
Richard Fecteau - Handcrafted Edge Wood Functional Art
Joyce Harvey Knitted Items and Bags (WM)
Pat Buck - Sugarloaf Items and more
Dale Maloney, Ceder Paddles
Twin Moon Images - Melissa Thomas
Don Martin - Birch Wood Baskets and Gift Items. (WM)
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Tom McCafferty - Stained Glass Art
Gene Fahn - Creative Designs
Beth-Ellen Pennell - Paintings in Acrylic Originals and Prints